Why You Should Stop Wasting Money On Marketing


It’s no secret that the business world has gone crazy over social media. Currently one-third of the world is on social media, and 94% of buying decisions are influenced by social media (Socialnomics) so it’s obvious to scale up your business all you just need to do is pour more money into marketing, its so simple right? Well this blog is designed to give you a really quick insight into marketing and social media from my prospective – especially if you’re thinking about increasing your ad spend! My aim from this blog is to get you to re-look your business structure and brand, and to hopefully prevent you from burning your money on marketing.

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My names is Yusef and during 2018 I worked with a rehabilitation charity and assisted in setting up a successful social enterprise and project managed the enterprise with a £40,000 budget. The project was so successful that it almost broke even in year 1, it was planned out in terms of operations and systems so well, that a franchise is already on the way. Also as a hobby, I was working and creating a marketing plan with an independent music artist that went viral and assisted him in achieved 1million + streams in his first year, all off organic marketing – resulting in myself starting up a innovative marketing company. Now I currently work for an amazing entrepreneur and author called Daniel Priestley who gave me the opportunity to work inside his company and learn from the ground up. Daniel develops entrepreneurs to stand up and scale out and has worked directly with 3,500+ businesses with his business accelerator company called Dent, helping them to scale their business exponentially.

Here’s a few questions I want you to think about – Has social media and digital marketing suddenly become the most important thing to ensure your business is successful? Are your competitors running the industry and spending large amounts on marketing and sweeping up all your potential customer? Is this forcing you to spend money on marketing above your means when you truly don’t know what you’re even doing? Marketing is the future right? well, actually its the past.

The truth is marketing isn’t a new phenomenon, it has actually been around since the dawn of businesses. Marketing really took off the same day that the first logo was created – let me take you all the way back to an era where there was no social media, and no, i’m not talking about 10 years ago. Lets vision a time when the first logo’s were created in the form of a flag. We’re going to go back to the first ‘war flags’ and one of the most powerful war flags I want to talk about was the ‘rising sun flag’ (旭日 Kyokujitsu-ki) which was originally used by feudal warlords in Japan as early as 1603, but really originates way back in the 7th century!

downloadNow, they didn’t continuously allocate loads of their wealth into ‘marketing’ to create massive banners that can be seen from a mile away, along with branding all their horses and soldiers armour with the ‘Rising Sun Flag’ logo to increase revenue and get more leads. It was really more to do with the whole ethos and meaning behind the flag, what was associated with it, what ‘feeling’ would a enemy have when they saw that iconic flag approaching, what ‘key people of influence’ sat at the top of the command that people would associate the flag with, do you see where i’m going with this?

Well, lets break it down from a 2019 prospective. They wouldn’t have been able to create such a massive ‘brand’ that supported tremendous growth without having the behind the scenes business operations, strategies and finances in place first. Behind the Rising Sun Flag was a whole profitable business that supported everything from from cities, cooks, mercenaries, leaders, war lords, trainers, cleaners and many more. In other words they had the Key Person of Influence at the top, the Operations Manager, Marketing Expert, Salesman, Admin Manager and maybe an apprentice or two. We know for a fact they had to of had all the best and efficient strategies in place to deal with the growth of the army along with being able to deal with the benefits of conquering a city.

The enemies, or even other countries looking on from a distance knew that flag meant a solid army was approaching and they would have known exactly what that flag stood for and the history behind the flag in terms of war victories/atrocities – due to what? social… media? Well not quite, actually it was word of mouth and authors publishing them in their high sought after material, and mainly because of the massive results that came with that brand. So I can almost guarantee that the ‘Rising Sun Flag’ used all sorts of modern day marketing tactics from guerrilla marketing, to public speaking, social influencers and maybe even… Google Ads Words. The ‘Rising Sun Flag’ grew so much as a brand that it was adopted as the war flag of the Imperial Japanese Army, and on October 7, 1889, it was adopted as the naval ensign of the Imperial Japanese Navy. It was so effective that it is still used in Japan as a symbol of tradition and good fortune, and is incorporated into commercial products and advertisements up to this day!

Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at 8.53.16 PM.pngNow, lets look at a modern day brand, Coca-Cola. We all know this brand right and where they are today? Well it was created by a pharmacist named John Pemberton and he started of tiny, selling only 9 glasses a day in the first year. So quick question, do you think John decided to put all his money into marketing to grow his business, he must of right?

Well not quite, Atlanta businessman Griggs Candler bought the right to Coca-Cola off Pemberton for a whopping total of £1,500. Straight away Griggs Candler started working on the structure of the business from operations, sales, marketing and company ethos. My point is, Coco-Cola without the ‘business brains and backbone’ behind it probably wouldn’t have gone very far. Coco-Cola is now worth $71.3 Billion and they spend $4 Billion a year on Marketing. Why? Because they know they can support the growth, they own the whole distribution chain and can get their Coco-Cola drinks to the most remote of towns. So, if they spend $4 Billion a year to reach new customers, guess what, they know they can deal with the influx of leads and can convert them to sales as easily as the customer walking into their local shop in one of the world’s poorest towns and buying the Coca-Cola drink for the first time.

So my moral of the story is don’t run before you can walk. Social media and marketing isn’t going anywhere – make sure you get the business structure and brand ethos right first to ensure you can support the growth of the business that the marketing budget will ultimately provide. I want you to think of your brand like the ‘Rising Sun Flag’ or even Coca-Cola. First thing is sort out the product or service you provide and make it your mission to ensure your product or service it soo fantastic that people will organically spread the news of your brand through word of mouth, and so that authors will find an incentive to write about it in their highly sort after material.

If you have no-one raving about your product or service yet then you’re not ready to put a penny into marketing. If you have everything in place and people are raving about your brand organically then it makes the marketers job easy, they can keep the message and ethos of your brand consistent and they are confident that you have a sales process and strategy in place to deal with the influx of leads. Think about it, where do your most ‘warm leads’ come from? I can guarantee it’s either through word of mouth, or they saw a review or blog by a respected author that they trust.

Find out how influential you are in your industry today, and find out if you’re ready to take your business further….

Good Luck,


5 Small business ideas

well this is a blog I have been looking forward to writing for some time. I have personally spent countless hours searching for my income stream to work towards, and have stumbled upon a few that are easy to start up but didn’t tickle my fancy. I will be sharing 5 small business ideas that can be set up with minimal funds, but with expediential profit potential. I know some of my readers are in a position of job security and don’t feel the need to set up anything but just ask yourself this… do you love your job? do you wake up every morning excited to make someone else money? well i do, but i still want to be able to focus some of my energy into creating my own streams of income.

1) Professional photographer

There will always be a need for a professional photographer, some of you will have a passion for photography and even might have studied it in education. This side business is so simple to setup and only requires a camera, here is one I recommend Canon EOS 1300D DSLR camera. The best way to get started on this is to offer out your services to friends and family, create social media platforms, create a logo and try and gain as much experience as possible. 

This is considered a side hustle and will be done part time, only you can put a limit on how much you want to work. Start of by taking pictures for friends and work your way up to wedding events, corporate networking events and many more well paid jobs. My main tip in this field is take advantage of social media and network till your mouth becomes dry.

2) Waste management

There will always be a need for 2 services in this world we are living in, one is food and the other is waste management. I’m almost certain waste management isn’t anyone’s ‘passion’ unless you’re unblessed with OCD, but this is a great way to start up a small part-time business that can be started up with practically no money. There are also many ways you can go about this, one is buying a truck and start a waste collection business, another is to set up a cleaning company that attends after big events and do a clean up, there really is no limit.

I personally look at this business idea as a massive opportunity to create a continuous cash flow business. I personally would set up a events cleaning agency and hire contractors to attend events and do a clean up, whilst never actually picking up a broom myself. The waste management business will always be there and as I mentioned earlier there will always be a need for this service.

3) blogger/author

Being a blogger and author is only done by people that are passionate about writing, such as myself. There is no guaranteed payment from this service, but if you create a reputation and write about the right things it can become very lucrative, such as writing reviews can gain you some recognition from others. You should start off small, write blogs, comment on Facebook posts and just observe all bloggers and authors. This business is more about your connections rather than your talents, for example if you decide to have a book launch you want to get the right people there, the press etc. and you can’t do that if you don’t have links.

This type of business is very part time and will only get better with consistency. I’m personally writing blogs because I enjoy writing and I want to improve my grammar and typing skills, if i make any money out of this it will just be a bonus.

4) Catering

I’m sure you all saw this one coming referring back to the waste management paragraph. But yes, Catering will always be needed, until the day we die, making it one of the most profitable businesses you can start up. Once again there are many ways you can go about setting this up, but the cheapest way will be to sell your catering services from social media such as Instagram. One of the best things to sell would be a cake service and once again start of small, then work your way up to big events. This cash flow in this business is great because you will only cook on demand and can use ingredients that are in the cupboard of your house, and use your own oven. The best thing to do would be to make your service collection only so you don’t waste money or time delivering your products.

5) home made products

Selling home made products is an amazing side business to start up and will probably be your passion, such as making jewellery. With this business you want to really have a business plan so you avoid losing money, you’re going to need to work out the costs to produce your product, including post and packaging. I’m sure loads of you have a passion for creating products and there are many sites to sell your products on such as Etsy. This of course is a side business and a great way to begin being an entrepreneur and this can really go as far as you want to take it.


Thank you for reading, i would appreciate any likes/reposts!


Side Hustle

I want to begin by saying this blog is inspired by Daniel Priestley’s book ‘Entrepreneur Revolution’ here is a link to his book. A few years ago he predicted that there is going to be a revolutionary time for new businesses to start, and you guessed it, the time has come.

Instagram, twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Gumtree… the list goes on, all of these are platforms you can use to sell products or services on, if you’re smart enough to see this opportunity. Never has there been a more efficient way to make money online! a few years back you had to be well connected to make money, or you had to hit the streets and sell, sell, sell. In this day and age almost everything is done online, making the potential for growth and exposure expediential.

As a 21 year old I’m personally witnessing many people my age taking the entrepreneur root, whether its a girl selling a eyelash application service, or a male doing a clothing line, and get this, they’re not quitting their day job. In 2018 there’s so many business ideas you can do to potentially make you thousands of pounds a month (I might share some ideas soon enough keep an eye out), and the beauty is most are done part time aka a side hustle. Don’t believe that because you have kids and in a secure job, that you don’t have time or energy to start a small business. The revolution is here and only the optimistic will survive, don’t miss out.

Personally I will exploring all avenues to make money via social media as I feel like it is still early days, and money is still available to be made, this doesn’t mean you can only make money via social media as a side hustle, social media is just easier to handle and everything can be done electronically. I have recently read a book called ‘Side Hustle: build a side business and make extra money – without quitting your day job’ it takes you through a 28 day plan, and potentially by the end of the 28 days you should have a functioning and viable idea.

Please let me know what you think about this, any likes or reposts will be highly appreciated, and if have somehow sparked you to start up a side hustle please let me know! Continue reading “Side Hustle”